Freelancer Wanted Facebook Ad + Sales Copy Writer Wanted Landscape Architect company TASK: F... #SalesMarketing #CopyWriter #Facebook #Marketing will pay up to $80 Reply Now
Help Wanted Wanted a Voice Over Professional UK Comapny looking for either British or... #VoiceOver will pay up to $30 Reply Now
Freelancer Wanted Setup Google Analytics wanted Need someone who has done this before, w... #VirtualAssistant #SEO will pay up to $50 Reply Now
Help Wanted Person to take Audio to Text wanted Meeting audio recordings need to be type... #VirtualAssistant will pay up to $120 Reply Now
Help Wanted Closed $25/hr x 3 hrs/wk admin VA wanted Seeking the services of a virtual assist... #VirtualAssistant #Admin #CRM #Ecommerce will pay up to $75 Reply Now
Antiques Wanted Wet Plate cameras wanted Any year, condition even if in parts. pr... #Cameras #Antiques #Vintage #Photography will pay up to $100 Reply Now
Antiques Wanted American Daguerreotype cameras wanted Any models, any condition, also interest... #Vintage #Cameras #Antiques will pay up to $100 Reply Now
Freelancer Wanted Banner ad designer wanted Need a banner ad(std size) created for o... #GraphicDesign #Freelancer #Website will pay up to $50 Reply Now
Help Wanted Website Sales Copy Writer Wanted Sales Copy writer wanted for website. Tw... #SalesMarketing #CopyWriter will pay up to $250 Reply Now
Help Wanted Bubbly/Professional Voice Over person Wanted Training audio: Read from script ... #VoiceOver will pay up to $110 Reply Now