
Freelancer for SEO wanted

Hoping i can find an talented and seasoned SEO expert for both website/articles and anything else we need to help with internet rankings. im going out on a bit of a lean to use this site to find such person and thinking i will hear from folks all over the world which we have never done before. Just for my peace of mind i will need you to be Address Verified just as we are so that both parties can be assured each other is somewhat reputable enough to have a base - hope you understand.

As we know very little about what is involved we will look to your expertise for SEO. I imaging there will be a lot of time initially then checking the articles we provide you and making sure we have them optimized for google at least may not take too much time monthly after that.

So what I was thinking is... $800 or around that for the website and then we could work something out for the ongoing work.

Love you hear your thoughts and some background and even what an idea of the process would be.


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Closed: SEOSpecialist's reply was accepted as the winning offer.
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